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What You Can Get With Utilizing Pine Straw for Your Garden

If you own a garden, you want nothing more but to mulch it with only the best organic materials so that your soil is kept warm, wees are prevented, and nutrients are added to your plants. When it comes to mulching, out of the many organic materials that one can use, the most common one will have to be the so-called pine straw. Pine straw can be found among pine straw ground cover companies that make sure to offer it.

Nonetheless, the question of whether or not using pine straw as mulching material is good enough. Here you can find some interesting facts about pine straw and why they have been considered one of the best mulching materials that you can use. Pine straw is something that you can easily find in places that is filled with several pine trees where you will be buying them by bulk. There are several benefits to using pine straw mulch and the most common being that they aid in letting acid loving plants grow better as well as help acidify soil that is leaning more on being alkaline.

Despite the fact that some gardeners are not fans of pine straw and their needles coming into contact under the trees in their garden, they still cannot deny the fact that when the winter season comes, these mulching elements have been shown to provide you more than just one benefit. If you look at pine straws, you will notice that they are dry foliage that comes from pine trees. For instance, if your property is one that is free from pine stress, then you can still get your pine straws from your pine straw ground cover company options that will be charging you on a per bale basis that could come in prices of 15 to 40 pounds minimum. In terms of using mulch, you should know that using pine straws than bark could save you at least 10 cents for every square foot of it and knowing that pine straws are more beneficial and plentiful, then surely, you are getting the best deal out of them.

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What are the advantages of using pine straw for mulching over other kinds of organic materials?

In comparison to using bark mulch, using pine straw as mulching material has been found to be much lighter in weight. Having lighter mulch material means that water can easily percolate and will easily be distributed in your garden. Thus, what could be setting apart your pine straw mulch from your bark mulch? Aside from increasing percolation, pine straws also make an area of needles that are capable of protecting areas in your garden that are unstable and hold down erosion from happening. In addition, your bark materials have been shown to easily break down in comparison to your pine straw materials.

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