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Ways in Which You Can Handle Revenge Pornography Nowadays the world has become more intriguing. Technology has made it possible for people to do all kinds of things. People are out to find creative ways of enjoying their time with their cameras and phones. The bad thing is many times such methods of fun tend to get carried out of hand. Too many people trust that when they sext or send nudes to their partners, the pictures or videos will be kept in good faith. Doing this does not usually go well always. When someone posts your nudes online to get back at you then it is believed that you are a victim or revenge pornography. This can be a hard and traumatizing time for many victims. Here are a few ways to deal with revenge pornography if it happens to you. Go to the Police In many areas revenge pornography is considered a crime. This is why you should immediately report the matter when you find someone has done this to you.
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Find out What the Law Says Before you go to the cops you should know what your legal options are. According to new laws, for people in a genuine relationship revenge pornography does not apply.
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Try Therapy Many victims have ended up harming themselves because of falling prey to such things. Not everyone is the same. It is good for you to try counseling if you experience trauma during such an occurrence. Of course, the damage has been done, but how you manage the situation can mean a lot. Ensure that you Collect Documented Evidence If you are a victim of revenge pornography, you need to know the importance of documenting everything. This is vital especially if you are planning on taking legal action in the future. Make sure that you focus on getting the necessary screenshot of every image that was posted online that can be used as evidence later on. Moreover, you need to be aware that you should collect more evidence other than the images. Make sure that you get screenshots of your name appearing on the search engine platforms in relation to the images and the texts you have received as a result of the images. This is the only way you can prove that the pictures have had an adverse impact on your reputation. You should know that every single evidence that you collect can go a long way in ensuring that you have something to use in court. Try and Get the Materials Removed The next thing someone should focus on after getting the right legal counsel is how to get the images removed online. Allowing the materials to continue staying on the social media platform can lead to further negative impact on your reputation. Make sure that your lawyer works towards ensuring that your images are removed from the online platform.

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