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A Close Look At The Uyghur Minority Group.

According to the recent statistics, it is estimated that there are over one hundred thousand different ethnic groups around the world. The classification of these groups is based on the history, cultural heritage, and the homeland.

There is a further classification of these groups from the majority ethnic group that enjoys a huge following while there are also the minority groups. There have been discoveries of new ethnic groups that were unknown and it is estimated that there are more out there.

Uyghurs are among the minority ethnic groups of this time. They originate from Turkey and currently can be found in East and Central Asia. Their residence is in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China. China has recognized them as among the 55 minority ethnic groups.

Even though the majority of the Uyghur people are in China, they can also be found in other countries. Kazakhstan is the second country that has a huge number of these people standing at 200,000 by 2010. Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are next with over 100,000 combined. Though their origin is Turkey, their number here is only 45,000.

They have small numbers spread across the world. This group has been known by the name Turks due to their language.

According to the late 19th Century encyclopedia, the Uyghurs were considered to be the most ancient of the Turkish tribes. They are known to start in the early 2nd century. There was a time when their Uyghur name was lost but was later rediscovered. The name today refers to a collective of all people who come from this ethnic group.

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Ughurs might be among the minority ethnic groups, but they enjoy a huge and long history. They follow their ancestor’s beliefs and have remained committed to this practice.

They mainly carry out farming and baking as their primary practices in the region they occupy. There is a small group that is known for practicing pastoralism in this region as well.

The Uyghurs are known for speaking Uyghur and Chinese language. They widely practice Islam and are the followers of the Sunni Sect. They also have a close relationship with other ethnic groups such as the Tocharians, the Karluks, and the Turkic people.

After the fall of the Uyghur Kingdoms, the people of Uyghur dispersed around the world. They formed the Ganzhou kingdom that was in China. People believe that the current Uyghur people are descendants of this kingdom.

The Uyghur people have enjoyed years of freedom, progress, and have had a chance of practicing their beliefs without the interference of other people or groups.

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