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How Long Does Weed Stay in the System?

One of the questions many people wonder is how long does weed stay in the body. Knowing this information can help you avoid the negative effects of testing positive. It will also be easier for you to determine how using cannabis at any time can affect you. Read on to find out how long weed stays in your system.

The time that cannabis stays in the body varies from individual to individual. Generally, the compound can stay in the body from 10 days to one month. The period over which you have been using cannabis will determine whether or not it will be detected in the system. The period over which the compound can be found in your system will also depend with the type of test that will be carried.

How Cannabis is Detected in the System
There are a number of ways in which cannabis can be detected in the body. The most common way of detecting the compound is by carrying out a urine test. Urine test can detect the presence of cannabis in your system up to 7 days from when you last took it. For regular users, the drug can be found up to 100 days after the last use. However, for most people, the detection is possible under 30 days.

Another way in which marijuana can be detected in your system is through a blood test. This test is of a more limited duration than urine test. Generally, blood tests detect marijuana in the body within 2 to 7 days from the last time it was used. If you only took marijuana for the first time, it can be traced up to 24 hours from when you last used it.

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Hair tests is the other way of testing for the presence of marijuana. For people that have just used marijuana once, this test may not be able to detect the presence of the compound in their system. However, if you are a heavy marijuana user, the compound can be detected in your hair for months after the last use. In some people, the drug can be detected years from the last use through the hair test.

The last test that can be done is a saliva test. These tests are still experimental and have not shown much success for both single and repeat users.

How Do Marijuana Tests Work?
The things searched for in the body through the different marijuana tests vary. This is why they have different detection periods. For instance, with blood tests, the goal is to detect THC in the body. On the other hand, urine tests look for the presence of THC-COOH.

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